Tutorial: Coloring Hair with Copic Markers 1.1

Hello there!

I have been asked to show a printable tutorial of hair coloring and I’m happy to say it’s now complete: Coloring Hair with Copic Markers 1.1

Please note that I put this tutorial together for educational purposes only and all copyright, trademark, digital file purchase and all related laws apply. Please do not copy or sell digital images from this tutorial, all images are the property of their respective owners. If you would like to share my tutorial, please do so without altering anything and please link back to this blog post — full legal disclaimer below.

Today I’m using Tiddly Inks’ Birthday Fishes

This is a technique I learned from the very talented Alyce, Kit and Clowder — I admire her work greatly! Thank you so much 🙂

And please, let me know if you have any questions / comments / feedback — I’m happy to help!

Enjoy the tutorial and happy coloring time!

hugs, Rita







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18 thoughts on “Tutorial: Coloring Hair with Copic Markers 1.1

  1. Pingback: Mermaid with Friends | Edwards Design

  2. Thanks for your tutorial. I already used the technique of starting light, than go dark and back again, but I think I have to try more of the ‘flicking motion’. Looking forward to coloring!

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